
Want to get published on WhereindaWorld?

I would love WhereindaWorld to be a community project that aims to highlight God working around the world and how we might join in. Would you join me?

What we Publish

Please share your submissions on the below topics:

  • I love stories that point to God’s fingerprints and work around the world. Stories that reveal God drawing all people to himself.
  • I am also interested in inspirational stories and opportunities that unlock chances– For travelers, experiences beyond a bucket list; For those in emerging countries, a link to pursue education and build dreams.
  • If you would like to submit a top 10 type list, please submit factual guides that will help readers be more than “just” a tourist in a specific destination. Something like 10 Ways to help the community of (insert specific city or community).

Submission Guidelines

  • Please share 700-3000 words of your own experience
    • All articles must be original content. They should not have been posted anywhere on the internet before.
    • Proofread for grammatical errors and sentence structure.
    • Please submit via a word of google doc and indicate where in the article the photos should be placed (or just include in the document).
  • Where possible, please include at least 5 photos.
    • Photos should be your own.
    • Ideally, photos should be 1200px wide for horizontal photos. 735px wide for vertical, and ideally include 1 per paragraph.
    • Please include one header image and one vertical image for Pinterest (735px wide).
  • Include a bio for the bottom of the post with your social media accounts and blog (if applicable) so we can promote you.
    • Please send a headshot to go with your article (Ideally also be 800px.)
  • Go ahead and include external links to important resources within the body of the text. All links are no-follow, with the exception of the link to your personal website.


  • Contact us via our contact form with your story idea
  • Leave us a message on our Facebook Fanpage
  • Or e-mail me directly at carmen (at) whereindaworld (dot) com

Thank you for considering participating in the WhereindaWorld community! If you have not already, please subscribe below!

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