
Get Inspired
Adventure Boldly
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Welcome! If you are wanting to travel, but longing to be more than a tourist, this is for you! After visiting over 100 countries, I’m sharing stories and resources to help you unashamedly adventure while living a purposeful life.

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I share a quarterly digest of stories and resources to help you adventure and live purposefully.

Our Story

Where in da World is Carmen?

Carmen is a goal-driven leader with a passion for exploring the world, riding bikes, and using technology to solve problems around the world.  She has traveled to over 100 countries, competed in world championships, and leads world-changing technology efforts for a big tech company. She loves to tell stories that inspire adventure but ultimately point to the fingerprints of God’s transforming power. She seeks to inspire lives that uproot fear, kick monotony, unlock confines, extinguish apathy, and share the wonder using the power of eternal perspective. 

Join in and explore countries, endure long rides, unlock opportunities, learn, and call out God’s fingerprints around the world!

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Together let’s explore countries, endure long rides, unlock opportunities, learn, and call out God’s fingerprints around the world!


There is much to be learnt through exploratory travel and seeing how people live around the world. Exploring peoples, lands, and foods with eyes open colors life.


Long ride, run or hike? Long days on the trail make tents, food, and people glorious. Endurance pursuits are a great way to travel deeper, and explore more.


My vision is to unlock opportunities: For travelers, experiences beyond a bucket list; For those in emerging countries, a link to pursue education and build dreams.


As I blaze interconnected paths around the globe, I hope to learn as well as to teach. Let’s build benches for others to learn, and steps for others to climb.


This world is broken and we are broken, but look around. You are sure to find the fingerprints of God. Smudges of God’s transforming masterpiece. 

Where in da World?

Click a continent for stories and resources from that region

Explore Beyond Ordinary

Put Everything Afloat

 Put everything in your life afloat upon God, going out to sea on the great swelling tide of His purpose, and your eyes will be opened. If you believe in Jesus, you are not to spend all your time in the calm waters just inside the harbor, full of joy, but always tied to the dock. You have to get out past the harbor into the great depths of God, and begin to know things for yourself…” Oswald Chambers

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