Free ebook

For GlobeTrotters

& Purpose SeekerS

Wander to Wonder Dare

A dare to leave fear, kick monotony, unlock confines, extinguish apathy, and find the wonder.

A daily reflective study to help you live with purpose and notice the fingerprints of God.

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    "Drop the fear, take up the Journey.

    Open your eyes to see the color.

    Magical yellows, oranges, and reds.

    There is something much bigger..."

    Can't wait for you to join me!

    💗 Carmen


    What you get:

    A five day study with daily stories, meditations, and dares. So you can:

    • Trade Fear for Knowing Goodness
    • Trade Monotony for Passion
    • Trade Cages for Spacious Purpose
    • Trade Apathy for Growth
    • Trade Negativity for Wonder

    You will want to save this 29 page PDF where you can access it easily.

    What is it all about?

    A year ago I started a blog with five categories. The categories include world exploration, endurance sports, unlocking opportunities for others, and noticing God’s fingerprints.

    While I still have stories for those categories, I wanted to tell a grander story. Through the same five categories as my blog, I hope to walk you through the story of the whole world– in five days.


    I dare you to join me!
